So far, it's been 100% "Good Thing/Bad Thing With Pictures" on the Readers Poll. And that's been my preference for the reviews of late too.
So look for most of the reviews to be in this format all the time, time permitting.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Quick Reader Survey
Leave a reply here and tell me which format you prefer for the reviews.
1. Fast Thoughts - all text, no pictures.
2. Fast Thoughts - mostly text, maybe one or two pictures.
3. Good Thing/Bad Thing about the comic - no pictures.
4. Good Thing/Bad Thing about the comic - one picture for good and one picture for bad.
5. Full Reviews WITH Pictures, as often as possible.
1. Fast Thoughts - all text, no pictures.
2. Fast Thoughts - mostly text, maybe one or two pictures.
3. Good Thing/Bad Thing about the comic - no pictures.
4. Good Thing/Bad Thing about the comic - one picture for good and one picture for bad.
5. Full Reviews WITH Pictures, as often as possible.
Fast Thoughts On The Other Comics Released The Week of 02/17/2010
JOE THE BARBARIAN #2 - It's still unclear just whether or not this story is the fever dream of a diabetic going into shock or an epic fantasy where worlds collide! Of course, it could wind up being both, knowing Grant Morrison. But while the story is a bit unclear, the artwork is gorgeous and well worth the price of admission on its' own. Pick up the #1 and this issue while you can.
POWER GIRL #9 - If you only read one comic all year about a super-strong alien humanoid and her earth-manipulating sorta sidekick fighting genetically-engineered beastmen this year, make it this one!
That is all.
Blackest Night - The Week of 02/17/2010
BLACKEST NIGHT: THE FLASH #3 - Not really sure how to feel about this one, now.
On the one hand, I'm an unapologetic Geoff Johns fan and his run on The Flash was, for the most part, brilliant. Particularly the way he handled most of The Rogues.
On the other hand, I will admit that Johns has his faults and one of them is that while he is a fiend for continuity and characterization for characters that he likes, he does tend to slack off a little bit on the ones he isn't a fan of.
This is the only way I can explain why he was able to reinvent Captain Cold as a (no pun intended) stone-cold badass perfectly in line with his old appearances yet saw fit to completely ignore numerous Trickster appearances where he had become a con-man for the forces of good only to bring James Jesse back... as an FBI agent.
I mention this, because it is the only way I can explain away this issue. The scenes with Barry are okay - your standard issue Flash stuff. The scenes with The Rogues fighting their dead comrades are great. But everything falls apart in the final scene.
Stop reading now if you REALLY don't want a spoiler.
One of the subplots in this last issue is that Owen Mercer (aka Captain Boomerang II) starts feeding wannabe villains to the Black Lantern of his dad, Captain Boomerang I, having totally bought into the idea eating hearts will bring dear old dad back to life. The Rogues track him down and realize that - in desperation for ANYONE to satisfy his father - he's begun feeding his dad children. Captain Cold punts Owen into the pit Sparta-style and Owen is ripped to shreds, apparently rising as a Black Lantern himself shortly thereafter.
So what's the problem?
Well, nothing if - like me - you haven't been reading Outsiders and Batman and The Outsiders in the past few years and the only place you've seen Captain Boomerang the last few years has been as part of the new Suicide Squard. But if you HAVE been reading those books, there's a rather big problem, according to my buddy djt2445.
It seems that Owen was on The Outsiders for a while - making an honest go of being a hero - before being booted off the team by Batman. Why? Because Batman wanted him to act as an inside-man for him on Amanda Waller's new Suicide Squad, apparently trusting Owen because of his connections to Supergirl or some such.
So yeah... Owen had apparently overcome his connection to his dad and redeemed the legacy enough to have freaking BATMAN start trusting him... and now he's kidnapping children to feed to his zombie villain dad?
For shame, Geoff Johns. You fail hard.
And yet...
GREEN LANTERN #51 - ... when your heart is in all the characters, you make magic.
There's so much to like here. The two Orange Lanterns fighting each other more than hordes of Black Lanterns. The Red Lanterns trying - and failing - to recruit The Spectre as their avatar of Rage. How they eventually get Hal un-possessed. And The Spectre's attempts to try and inflict vengeance on Nekron, as ill-advised as they are. Picture perfect....
GREEN LANTERN CORPS #45 -... and yet, this book is even better.
Remember how awesome Mogo was last month? He becomes even more awesome this month.
How? You'll have to buy it and see.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
A Valentine's Day Comic.

I call this one How I Spent Valentine's Day or Why I Don't Do My Own Comic.
In case you're wondering, it's because I can't even draw in MS Paint.
Fast Thoughts On The Comics Released The Week of 02/10/2010
JON SABLE: ASHES OF EDEN #5 - A fitting conclusion to a wonderful little mini-series. The true mastermind is revealed as Jon and Maggie the Cat find themselves in a death trap with the lives of millions at stake.
This is Mike Grell at his finest. I can't wait for the next Jon Sable story that is promised at the end.
QUEEN SONJA #4 - I know what you're thinking - I said this book was the Red Sonja book you should be reading... and yet, I'm only writing a few scant lines about it here. Why is that?
Well, while this is a good book, this is honestly a slow issue and Sonja doesn't do very much until the very end. Most of the issue concerns Sonja appointing a new lieutenant, who may not be what he seems and the enemies of the nation Sonja has become leader of starting to move against her. It's all set-up to next issue, in other words. But it does look gorgeous, the artwork isn't all cheesecakey and the story is gripping and promises to get better.
Red Sonja: Wrath of the Gods #1
I knew we were in trouble the minute I saw the cover.

In my humble opinion, Red Sonja is one of those characters who cannot be shown to be in a position of weakness. Peril, yes. You can show her in a monster's claws or facing down a man twice her size with a broken weapon. But she should not ever be made to look helpless, particularly on a book cover. And I can't think of any time I've ever seen the She Devil of Hyrkania looking more helpless than here, on her knees with a blade at her throat.
Things aren't much better once we get into the book proper. Walter Geovani, the artist, worked most recently on the monthly Red Sonja title during the Brian Reed days when it seemed like every other page was a splash page and the splash pages were full of cheesecake. Even by the standards of Sword and Sorcery books. Apparently the Hyrkanias, in addition to being the proudest riders and horse people in Hyboria, invented the leather thong.
Anyway, Sonja meets a boy who claims to be part of some outcast tribe. He claims that Sonja, by virtue of her red hair, must also be a part of the same tribe. Just ignore everything we know about Sonja's background... it looks like Luke Lieberman did.
After an altercation with a blonde warrior woman (whom - for some reason - nobody seems to have any issue with yet they are ready to kick Sonja out for "not being of their kind) and the payment of one big ruby, Sonja is convinced to follow the boy to his secret homeland far in the north. And here is where cheesecake meets stupidity and clashes with story in order to make something that should make sense and yet does not.
Yes. That would be Red Sonja, shivering in the cold.
On the one hand, this makes perfect sense. In a realistic world, Sonja's costume would be terribly impractical as armor and as a garment for protecting one from the elements. And that fur cloak isn't clasped tightly enough to do anything, save offer a good view of Sonja's body.
On the other hand, it's a convention of these comics that nobody ever notices the cold no matter how scanty their outfit is. This is a land before time where men were men, women were women and unholy tentacle beasts were unholy tentacle beasts.
The joke is sealed a page later when Sonja says she "does not favor the cold". Which begs the question of why she was traveling here in the first place and not in the climates where scale mail bikini is somewhat more feasible, if not practical.
Anyway, they wind up in a cave, the kid explains this was the only way to his homeland is by riding an underground river and they eventually wind up at a sealed up city. Everyone is scared and the comic ends with a whole horde of monsters breaking down the city gates and demanding the magic book that the boy is carrying.
The Final Verdict: My hopes weren't high but this may well be the worst comic I read all year. The artwork is competent enough but - as in the most recent Red Sonja books with Walter Geovani art - the pin-up factor is high with every page looking like a centerfold shot. And as in all of Luke Liberman's past Red Sonja stories, the character of Sonja is bent and hammered like a sword in the forge to fit the purposes of the story when it should be the other way around.
Go read Queen Sonja instead.
Blackest Night - The Week of 02/10/2010
Well, jeepers. Only one Blackest Night title this week and it was Secret Six #18.
Can we just take it as read that this book was awesome and you should be reading it?
Thank you.
Can we just take it as read that this book was awesome and you should be reading it?
Thank you.
Blackest Night - The Week of 02/03/2010
BLACKEST NIGHT: WONDER WOMAN #3 - I have a LOT of problems with this comic. I think this is easily the worst part of this mini. And I know that's something considering how much I ripped on Part One and Part Two.
Okay. I can forgive the fact that Max Lord is being written badly out of character, even by the standards of what happened to him in the build up to Infinite Crisis. The Black Lanterns are, after all, a gross imitation of the beings they resemble. This has been explained.
I can forgive the fact that Carol Ferris and Diana are apparently chummy. It doesn't fit in with anything in any story I've ever read but I doesn't majorly conflict with any story I've ever read either.
But there are a lot of things that I can't forgive.
I can't forgive that this story doesn't synch up with the events of Blackest Night Six or Green Lantern #50 AT ALL.
I can't forgive the fact that there are wandering hordes of civilian Black Lantern zombies here, when at no point in the whole of Blackest Night have we seen Nekron raising dead people who weren't close to a superhero.
I can't forgive that Carol is made to look horribly ineffectual in comparison to Diana regarding using the ring, when Carol has been using a Star Sapphire for over a decade and is one of the few strong-willed enough to use the Power of Love without being consumed by it.
I especially can't forgive how bad THIS scene looks...
Even in the context of a Green Lantern's energy being needed to mix with the energy of another Corps in order to disable a Black Lantern ring... it just looks BAD for two allegedly capable heroines to be presented as being basically helpless and one of them going away so that a man can save them.
But perhaps the most unforgivable aspect of this is the final battle, in which Diana is trying to bring sense to a raging-out Mera and she discovers the long-hidden dark secret that is the source of Mera's rage.
What is it? Damned if I know. It never is explained. I have some idea after Green Lantern #50 but I can't say for sure. And in a crossover where everything else has been explained so well, I find that inexcusable.
Don't waste any money on this if you haven't already.
THE QUESTION #37 - This book is fittingly named. All I have after reading it are questions. How does Shiva know Vic Sage's Black Lantern is going to show up where it does? Are we really supposed to believe that in all her years in battle, Shiva has never been shot ONCE?! How does any of this relate to what is happening elsewhere in Blackest Night? But perhaps the biggest question of all is how Greg Rucka can manage to screw up a book while co-writing with Denny O'Neil.
Fast Thoughts On The Comics Released The Week of 02/03/2010
CINDERELLA: FROM FABLETOWN WITH LOVE #4 - I love this mini-series SO much. It reminds me of why I loved Fables so much before Bill Willingham began phoning it in. And I especially loved this one - even though the shoe-making subplot has been brought to it's obvious and inevitable conclusion - because it let me see the Fables take on one of my favorite characters as a kid - Puss N'Boots.

It may be too late to catch the early issues at a reasonable price, but you should all definitely consider ordering the trade-paperback.
CONAN THE CIMMERIAN #18 - More flashbacks as we learn how Conan lost one command only to gain another, much more to his liking as a leader of fighters rather than as a leader of men.

One touch I did like here was how the cliche of Conan's boorishness and/or a princess's fickleness leading to violent conflict is avoided. Despite an undignified dismissal at the hands of his rival and Conan's angry response, Conan is still allowed to leave the kingdom unmolested and actual parts ways in relatively good circumstances.
DOCTOR WHO #8 - A stirring conclusion to last issue's cliff-hanger, with the Doctor and his new companions weathering an assault that leaves the TARDIS coming apart at the seams and The Doctor struggling to find a path back to the control room.
We do start to get a sense of The Doctor's new companions (Emily Winter and Matthew Finnegan) here, as our villain attempts to sow dissension in the ranks. Indeed, the villain offers a rather insidious explanation for why it is The Doctor seems to take on more female companions than male ones and why he only ever seems to take male companions on under duress. It's frightening but it does make a rather odd sense given most of the women The Doctor has adopted, so to speak. And it sets Matthew to questioning everything about just why he is traveling with The Doctor. Emily doesn't get quite as much development, being sort of a Rose Lite here, but at least she is presented as being spirited and competent, even if her main accomplishment here is persuading a group of aliens to take her where she needs to go.
Not a bad issue by any means but I can't help be feel sort of nonplussed at the ending. Not two issues into a story where The Doctor picks up some new companions and is getting ready to move on to new and better things... he's getting called by Martha, begging for help.
If this comic really is going to fill in some stories in the gap between Season Four and The Specials, I think it would be best if it did it free of most of the trappings of the regular series. If we are to enjoy the new companions, let us enjoy the new companions for a bit before dragging Martha back into the mix.
KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE #158 - We go back to basics with most of the comics this time around, getting several short, funny slice-of-life comics depicting the various games and events involving the gamers of Muncie, Indiana. They're all pretty funny but my favorite is Bob's understandable confusion to Weird Pete's return to a dark and illegal business that he swore off in college even as he now swears to keep it out of his turf and out of the hands of kids.
What? He means weighted dice. What did you think he was talking about?
The Gaming The Movies column continues to be a waste of paper and a sad replacement for the gamer movie reviews of Spoony from The Spoony Expriment. This month, they discuss the Underworld movies and how you can use them and other resources for your Vampire/Werewolf themed role-playing games. (sarcasm) I'm sure this is wonderful news for all of you numerous White Wolf players who had NO IDEA that these movies were here. (/sarcasm)
They even talk about other movies and book series you can use for your game. Because we really need a three-page column to tell us how you can steal ideas from Blade and Dresden Files for an RPG.
WARLORD #11 - A few more flashbacks this time around but we finally get some action toward the end and a little bit better idea of what Grell has been building us towards for the past few months as well as an explanation regarding just how the magic/science of big bad Demios has caused some of the series events to occur.
It's a must read for any fan of good fantasy.
Fast Thoughts On The Comics Released The Week of 01/27/2010
The good news is that payday has come, my tab at the comic book shop is all paid up and I have all the books I wanted to get over the last month.
The bad news is that leaves me with 40-something books to cover.
Why is that bad news? Consider the effect that writing 40 something reviews in a timely manner would have on your friends' list to say nothing of my front page.
So rather than spam-bomb us all with individual reviews, I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way and just give you my Fast Thoughts on each issue, with comics scans as needed.
JACK OF FABLES #42 - It's funny but despite being annoyed the past few months with how the tone of this book has changed from broad buddy comedy and slapstick to honest, actual heroics... I actually liked this issue. I suppose Jack the Younger is finally starting to grow on me. But more than that, I'm actually excited by this issue and the idea of getting to see more of the Fables' Universe from the viewpoint of a relative newcomer offering us something new and exciting that has been lacking in the main title for quite some time now.
The adventures of Babe the Little Blue Ox are still the book's best selling point, though.
WONDER WOMAN #40 - If, for some odd reason, you haven't listened to a word I've said in the past about how utterly awesome this book is and how you should be reading it, take note of the following points.
1. This issue is the perfect jumping-on point for new readers, despite being mostly concerned with the action of a new group of enemies - the sons of Ares - and summing up some continuity-based nit-picking regarding how the modern Etta Candy became more of a bad ass than she was previously.
2. It perfectly showcases Diana's role as Earth foremost defender from magical and divine threats, as she deals with an enraged Aztec deity.
3. This first panel. And the fact that Diana talks to Aztec deities like a small-town cop to the town drunk.
And just when you think it can't get any better, Power Girl shows up.
The bad news is that leaves me with 40-something books to cover.
Why is that bad news? Consider the effect that writing 40 something reviews in a timely manner would have on your friends' list to say nothing of my front page.
So rather than spam-bomb us all with individual reviews, I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way and just give you my Fast Thoughts on each issue, with comics scans as needed.
JACK OF FABLES #42 - It's funny but despite being annoyed the past few months with how the tone of this book has changed from broad buddy comedy and slapstick to honest, actual heroics... I actually liked this issue. I suppose Jack the Younger is finally starting to grow on me. But more than that, I'm actually excited by this issue and the idea of getting to see more of the Fables' Universe from the viewpoint of a relative newcomer offering us something new and exciting that has been lacking in the main title for quite some time now.
The adventures of Babe the Little Blue Ox are still the book's best selling point, though.
WONDER WOMAN #40 - If, for some odd reason, you haven't listened to a word I've said in the past about how utterly awesome this book is and how you should be reading it, take note of the following points.
1. This issue is the perfect jumping-on point for new readers, despite being mostly concerned with the action of a new group of enemies - the sons of Ares - and summing up some continuity-based nit-picking regarding how the modern Etta Candy became more of a bad ass than she was previously.
2. It perfectly showcases Diana's role as Earth foremost defender from magical and divine threats, as she deals with an enraged Aztec deity.
3. This first panel. And the fact that Diana talks to Aztec deities like a small-town cop to the town drunk.
And just when you think it can't get any better, Power Girl shows up.
Blackest Night - The Week of 01/27/2010
The good news is that payday has come, my tab at the comic book shop is all paid up and I have all the books I wanted to get over the last month.
The bad news is that leaves me with 40-something books to cover.
Why is that bad news? Consider the effect that writing 40 something reviews in a timely manner would have on your friends' list to say nothing of my front page.
So rather than spam-bomb us all with individual reviews, I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way and just give you my Fast Thoughts on each issue, with comics scans as needed.
BLACKEST NIGHT: JSA #2 - I want to like this issue. I really do.
It was written by two writers - James Robinson and Tony Bedard - whose work I have both found extremely enjoyable (Starman and Birds of Prey) and, at times, extremely annoying (JLA: Cry For Justice and the 2008 Black Canary mini-series). They are capable of writing some truly beautiful character moments and - occasionally - completely screwing up characters in the name of story.
So I'm not sure where the finger of blame should fall here because I can easily see either of these writers... well, I don't want to say dropping the ball because this is just my opinion here... but I'd like to think that as many times as Jessie Quick has had a vision of her father, hale and hearty in the Speed Force, that she wouldn't be QUITE so quick to change into her old costume so she could go jogging with a zombie version of her dad, thus abandoning her husband during the middle of a supervillain fight.
I'm just saying.
I'm also somewhat concerned that the Earth 2 Lois Lane appears here (as does - eventually - the Earth 2 Superman) despite both apparently having been destroyed during the Blackest Night: Superman mini-series... also written by James Robinson. I know there's a lot to suggest that The Black Lanterns are capable of reforming so long as enough of the body remains... but still, it's a bit jarring to see them here after they were supposedly stopped by Superman, Superboy and Krypto.
The artwork, at least, is gorgeous. And the action scenes are really good. It's just that a lot of the characterization is questionable. Still worth a read though.
THE ATOM AND HAWKMAN #46 - Issues like this are why I'm an unapologetic Geoff Johns fan.
As much a character study of the character of Ray Palmer aka The Atom as it is a slap-bang fight issue between two old friends (aka The Atom and Black Lantern Hawkman), Johns gives us more insight into Ray's character than we've gotten in anything I can remember reading. This includes the highly overrated Identity Crisis, which Johns manages to reference in this issue without making me feel ill.
We also, for those of you keeping track, get a clear definition of the powers of the Indigo rings. Apart from the usual flight, force-fields and energy manipulation, they can teleport to those who need them, copy the light signatures of other nearby Power Rings, heal physical wounds as well as emotional fatigue and send messages across great interstellar distances.
GREEN LANTERN #50 - Okay. It looks like I need to add a correction to what I said about The Phantom Stranger tie-in. Hal being nabbed by a Black Lantern possessed Spectre gets addressed in this issue as does the fight in Blackest Night: The Flash #2 where Barry frees the living Firestorm from the grasp of the undead one.
Sorry Geoff. I shouldn't have doubted you. So as much as I question the wisdom of Hal's plan here - to release Parallax and allow it to retake control of him again as Parallax is the only being they know of that was ever able to hold The Spectre in check - I have faith that this will turn out to be as jaw-droppingly awesome as every other thing you've written for Blackest Night so far has been.
And before anybody screams spoilers... the cover is a dead giveaway as to what has happened by issue's end.
Incidentally, I just love how the Orange Lanterns do NOTHING but argue with one another the whole issue. And the sheer joy of The Scarecrow during this scene steals the show.
The bad news is that leaves me with 40-something books to cover.
Why is that bad news? Consider the effect that writing 40 something reviews in a timely manner would have on your friends' list to say nothing of my front page.
So rather than spam-bomb us all with individual reviews, I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way and just give you my Fast Thoughts on each issue, with comics scans as needed.
BLACKEST NIGHT: JSA #2 - I want to like this issue. I really do.
It was written by two writers - James Robinson and Tony Bedard - whose work I have both found extremely enjoyable (Starman and Birds of Prey) and, at times, extremely annoying (JLA: Cry For Justice and the 2008 Black Canary mini-series). They are capable of writing some truly beautiful character moments and - occasionally - completely screwing up characters in the name of story.
So I'm not sure where the finger of blame should fall here because I can easily see either of these writers... well, I don't want to say dropping the ball because this is just my opinion here... but I'd like to think that as many times as Jessie Quick has had a vision of her father, hale and hearty in the Speed Force, that she wouldn't be QUITE so quick to change into her old costume so she could go jogging with a zombie version of her dad, thus abandoning her husband during the middle of a supervillain fight.
I'm just saying.
I'm also somewhat concerned that the Earth 2 Lois Lane appears here (as does - eventually - the Earth 2 Superman) despite both apparently having been destroyed during the Blackest Night: Superman mini-series... also written by James Robinson. I know there's a lot to suggest that The Black Lanterns are capable of reforming so long as enough of the body remains... but still, it's a bit jarring to see them here after they were supposedly stopped by Superman, Superboy and Krypto.
The artwork, at least, is gorgeous. And the action scenes are really good. It's just that a lot of the characterization is questionable. Still worth a read though.
THE ATOM AND HAWKMAN #46 - Issues like this are why I'm an unapologetic Geoff Johns fan.
As much a character study of the character of Ray Palmer aka The Atom as it is a slap-bang fight issue between two old friends (aka The Atom and Black Lantern Hawkman), Johns gives us more insight into Ray's character than we've gotten in anything I can remember reading. This includes the highly overrated Identity Crisis, which Johns manages to reference in this issue without making me feel ill.
We also, for those of you keeping track, get a clear definition of the powers of the Indigo rings. Apart from the usual flight, force-fields and energy manipulation, they can teleport to those who need them, copy the light signatures of other nearby Power Rings, heal physical wounds as well as emotional fatigue and send messages across great interstellar distances.
GREEN LANTERN #50 - Okay. It looks like I need to add a correction to what I said about The Phantom Stranger tie-in. Hal being nabbed by a Black Lantern possessed Spectre gets addressed in this issue as does the fight in Blackest Night: The Flash #2 where Barry frees the living Firestorm from the grasp of the undead one.
Sorry Geoff. I shouldn't have doubted you. So as much as I question the wisdom of Hal's plan here - to release Parallax and allow it to retake control of him again as Parallax is the only being they know of that was ever able to hold The Spectre in check - I have faith that this will turn out to be as jaw-droppingly awesome as every other thing you've written for Blackest Night so far has been.
And before anybody screams spoilers... the cover is a dead giveaway as to what has happened by issue's end.
Incidentally, I just love how the Orange Lanterns do NOTHING but argue with one another the whole issue. And the sheer joy of The Scarecrow during this scene steals the show.
Fast Thoughts On The Comics Released The Week of 01/20/2010
The good news is that payday has come, my tab at the comic book shop is all paid up and I have all the books I wanted to get over the last month.
The bad news is that leaves me with 40-something books to cover.
Why is that bad news? Consider the effect that writing 40 something reviews in a timely manner would have on your friends' list to say nothing of my front page.
So rather than spam-bomb us all with individual reviews, I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way and just give you my Fast Thoughts on each issue, with comics scans as needed.
FABLES #92 - It's a sad sign when a story about Flycatcher can't get me excited.
Don't get me wrong - this is a pretty good story. But it's still the first part of a two-part story that is taking time away from the main plot (i.e. retaking Fabletown) and it revisits a lot of characters who - quite frankly - we didn't need to see again after The Good Prince.
Flycatcher got his happy ending and it was implied that he and Red Riding Hood would eventually fall in love. We don't need to see that spelled out as we do here.
And in case you can still bring yourself to care, there's STILL nothing about Rose Red and her mental breakdown in here.
JOE THE BARBARIAN #1 - There are some things that you don't expect to go together. Orange Juice And Toothpaste. Politicians and Honesty. Grant Morrison and Subtlety. And yet, in this book, Grant Morrison has begun a series that I suspect may come to be regarded on par with those of Alan Moore, in so far as she sheer amount of activity hidden in plain sight in each panel of this book. I needed to reread it several times to get a sense of what is going on.
A fever dream brought on by a diabetic nerd failing to take his meds? A young fanboy's dreams of escaping into a better world come true? It is too early to say just what is happening here as both interpretations are equally valid at this point. All I can say is that it costs you little (just $1) to give this book a shot and see if you are as enraptured and eager to see Issue #2 as I am.
POWER GIRL #8 - I admit it was a minor concern, seeing as how there are very few Superman purists who might be upset about a character like Vartox being presented as a male Maxima but it was nice to see that Vartox's intentions were not quite as skeevy as originally thought.
This isn't just a funny book - it's a fun book. Fun in a way that has been lost in most modern comics. If you aren't reading Power Girl, then you should.
SOLOMON KANE #1 - I suppose it was inevitable that sooner or later one of Dark Horse Comics' reimagining of the works of Robert E. Howard would prove completely disappointing.
Solomon Kane is a bit of a mess all-around. Ugly, darkly-colored artwork obscures the action of a script that gives us little insight in to the characters and little reason to continue reading. I'll be passing on this in the future and I suggest you all do the same.
The bad news is that leaves me with 40-something books to cover.
Why is that bad news? Consider the effect that writing 40 something reviews in a timely manner would have on your friends' list to say nothing of my front page.
So rather than spam-bomb us all with individual reviews, I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way and just give you my Fast Thoughts on each issue, with comics scans as needed.
FABLES #92 - It's a sad sign when a story about Flycatcher can't get me excited.
Don't get me wrong - this is a pretty good story. But it's still the first part of a two-part story that is taking time away from the main plot (i.e. retaking Fabletown) and it revisits a lot of characters who - quite frankly - we didn't need to see again after The Good Prince.
Flycatcher got his happy ending and it was implied that he and Red Riding Hood would eventually fall in love. We don't need to see that spelled out as we do here.
And in case you can still bring yourself to care, there's STILL nothing about Rose Red and her mental breakdown in here.
JOE THE BARBARIAN #1 - There are some things that you don't expect to go together. Orange Juice And Toothpaste. Politicians and Honesty. Grant Morrison and Subtlety. And yet, in this book, Grant Morrison has begun a series that I suspect may come to be regarded on par with those of Alan Moore, in so far as she sheer amount of activity hidden in plain sight in each panel of this book. I needed to reread it several times to get a sense of what is going on.
A fever dream brought on by a diabetic nerd failing to take his meds? A young fanboy's dreams of escaping into a better world come true? It is too early to say just what is happening here as both interpretations are equally valid at this point. All I can say is that it costs you little (just $1) to give this book a shot and see if you are as enraptured and eager to see Issue #2 as I am.
POWER GIRL #8 - I admit it was a minor concern, seeing as how there are very few Superman purists who might be upset about a character like Vartox being presented as a male Maxima but it was nice to see that Vartox's intentions were not quite as skeevy as originally thought.
This isn't just a funny book - it's a fun book. Fun in a way that has been lost in most modern comics. If you aren't reading Power Girl, then you should.
SOLOMON KANE #1 - I suppose it was inevitable that sooner or later one of Dark Horse Comics' reimagining of the works of Robert E. Howard would prove completely disappointing.
Solomon Kane is a bit of a mess all-around. Ugly, darkly-colored artwork obscures the action of a script that gives us little insight in to the characters and little reason to continue reading. I'll be passing on this in the future and I suggest you all do the same.
Blackest Night - The Week of 01/20/2010
The good news is that payday has come, my tab at the comic book shop is all paid up and I have all the books I wanted to get over the last month.
The bad news is that leaves me with 40-something books to cover.
Why is that bad news? Consider the effect that writing 40 something reviews in a timely manner would have on your friends' list to say nothing of my front page.
So rather than spam-bomb us all with individual reviews, I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way and just give you my Fast Thoughts on each issue, with comics scans as needed.
BLACKEST NIGHT: THE FLASH #2 - A wonderful issue overall, despite Scott Kolins art being a little over-inked in places. The two sub-plots are both paced well, as we see two separate battles; the first between The Rogues Gallery and their dead members - the other between two Flashes (Barry and Wally) and Blue Lantern Saint Walker against a host of Black Lanterns - both former friends and old enemies.
There's a lot of nice little touches here. I loved Captain Cold's ability to "force his heart cold" coming into play here. I loved the final splash page in which an unexpected ally shows up to save one of the Black Lanterns.
The only real complaint I have is that we could have had a whole issue of the Rogues without Barry and Wally coming into it. A lot of the Rouge fights are pushed into the background and there's a lot of interesting conflicts here that should have gotten more screen time.
Among other things I wished we could have seen in depth are a battle between both Tricksters (we see the new one running from the old one in the background of one panel) and the undead Rainbow Raider's reaction to the whole spectrum of colors he can see now - a fact that is revealed in another one-panel throw-away gag.
Still, a must read for all Rogues fans.
GREEN LANTERN CORPS #44 - Guy is a bad ass, who maintains the willpower to use a Red AND Green ring at the same time. That we knew.
What we didn't know until this issue? Mogo is an even bigger badass and not just in terms of size.
This is THE Must Read title of the crossover.
PHANTOM STRANGER #42 - There's a lot of neat ideas here but none of them seem to be connecting to the main Blackest Night storyline. That wouldn't be so bad except that some of these ideas, if true, really SHOULD be relevant to what is happening in the main book... like The Spectre being indirectly controlled by Nekron through his own host and said Black Spectre declaring that Hal Jordan must taste vengeance!
Still, The Stranger is cool as ever here. Naturally he proves quite immune to the Black Lanterns attacks and trying to draw out his heart only results in a very terrified and confused zombie. And pairing him up with Blue Devil as a partner/straight man works amazingly well.
It's just rather random how we go from a battle with The Spectre to The Stranger declaring that Boston Brand's body will be important to the coming battle and how they must recover it, leading to an encounter with Deadman that brings to light some information we already had. But it is a good read and a good issue, if not truly essential to the overall Blackest Night storyline.
The bad news is that leaves me with 40-something books to cover.
Why is that bad news? Consider the effect that writing 40 something reviews in a timely manner would have on your friends' list to say nothing of my front page.
So rather than spam-bomb us all with individual reviews, I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way and just give you my Fast Thoughts on each issue, with comics scans as needed.
BLACKEST NIGHT: THE FLASH #2 - A wonderful issue overall, despite Scott Kolins art being a little over-inked in places. The two sub-plots are both paced well, as we see two separate battles; the first between The Rogues Gallery and their dead members - the other between two Flashes (Barry and Wally) and Blue Lantern Saint Walker against a host of Black Lanterns - both former friends and old enemies.
There's a lot of nice little touches here. I loved Captain Cold's ability to "force his heart cold" coming into play here. I loved the final splash page in which an unexpected ally shows up to save one of the Black Lanterns.
The only real complaint I have is that we could have had a whole issue of the Rogues without Barry and Wally coming into it. A lot of the Rouge fights are pushed into the background and there's a lot of interesting conflicts here that should have gotten more screen time.
Among other things I wished we could have seen in depth are a battle between both Tricksters (we see the new one running from the old one in the background of one panel) and the undead Rainbow Raider's reaction to the whole spectrum of colors he can see now - a fact that is revealed in another one-panel throw-away gag.
Still, a must read for all Rogues fans.
GREEN LANTERN CORPS #44 - Guy is a bad ass, who maintains the willpower to use a Red AND Green ring at the same time. That we knew.
What we didn't know until this issue? Mogo is an even bigger badass and not just in terms of size.
This is THE Must Read title of the crossover.
PHANTOM STRANGER #42 - There's a lot of neat ideas here but none of them seem to be connecting to the main Blackest Night storyline. That wouldn't be so bad except that some of these ideas, if true, really SHOULD be relevant to what is happening in the main book... like The Spectre being indirectly controlled by Nekron through his own host and said Black Spectre declaring that Hal Jordan must taste vengeance!
Still, The Stranger is cool as ever here. Naturally he proves quite immune to the Black Lanterns attacks and trying to draw out his heart only results in a very terrified and confused zombie. And pairing him up with Blue Devil as a partner/straight man works amazingly well.
It's just rather random how we go from a battle with The Spectre to The Stranger declaring that Boston Brand's body will be important to the coming battle and how they must recover it, leading to an encounter with Deadman that brings to light some information we already had. But it is a good read and a good issue, if not truly essential to the overall Blackest Night storyline.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Just to prove this isn't an isolated incident...
... here's a few more pages that show just why most women are reluctant to believe that Comics Fandom isn't some kind of misogynist boys club.
And to make up for jumping to conclusions about this all being Marvel's fault somehow yesterday, this entire list of samples shall be 100% DC Comics T-Shirts!
Batgirl Juniors Symbol Costume T-Shirt
Made from 100% Cotton, we have the most awesome Batgirl costume t-shirt complete with her cute little belt Bat symbol, used as a cookie cutter when she's not fighting crime or doing her hair. So, when you're tired of kitchen work, doing your hair and nails and yer up fer fait'n crime and kicking in some crack thief's haid in with yer high heels... then the Batgirl Juniors Symbol Costume T-Shirt shirt's for you. Be tough! Be Batgirl tough. ... just share them cookies with me! The Batgirl Juniors Symbol Costume T-Shirt is a black, Junior Woman's T-Shirt featuring the Batgirl Symbol amd Batgirl belt (great for carrying mascara) in bright yellow!
Batgirl Running Juniors T-Shirt
The latest in our line of retro style Batgirl t-shirts. You've never done Jazzericise till you've done it with Barbara Gordon! Look at those glutes, thighs and them boobies. Everyone loves Batgirl, except the Joker! Bastard shot her in front of her own dad. Can you believe it? Yup, it's true. Look it up. This Batgirl t-shirt is a dark grey shirt with an absolutely perfect screen print of Batgirlldoing her Jazzercise. And one! And Two.. all together now.. And Three! And Four! Breeeeath people!
Wonder Woman Juniors Corset Costume T-Shirt
Made from 100% Cotton, we have the most sexy, Double D, Wonder Boobage Wonder Woman Corset Costume t-shirt. If you want to get noticed, stop traffic and have intergalactic Mandalorian bounty hunters take notice... then this Wonder Woman Juniors Corset Costume T-Shirt is the one for you. Let's face it... guys are pigs, dogs and man-whores who notice cleavage and you're just the girl to grab that attention. This Wonder Woman Juniors Corset Costume T-Shirt, complete with already built in augmentation, is a limited production shirt; Lord only knows when we they will stop making them. So, grab the Wonder Woman Juniors Corset Costume T-Shirt and stop traffic while you can on Halloween and any other night. Don't just go.. go Double D!
Supergirl Juniors Costume T-Shirt
Made from 100% Cotton, we have the Supergirl Costume Juniors T-Shirt! This Supergirl Juniors Costume T-Shirt is just the perfect costume shirt to have when you a) don't feel like dressing like a dork, b) want to save money, c) want to wear your outfit during other parts of the year. All you need is a cape, our supergirl boots and a red handbag and you're good to go. Check out our Supergirl undies too! The Supergirl Juniors Costume T-Shirt is a Junior Woman's, blue T-Shirt featuring the likeness of Supergirl's costume with yellow belt and Superman Shield Symbol!
Supergirl Distressed Blue T-Shirt
This Supergirl T-Shirt is a junior's style cut and features a purposely distressed Superman Shield Symbol on a Royal Blue T-Shirt. Ladies, buy this thing or I swear on last year's pumpkin pie Superman will be very disappointed with you...just like your husbands and boyfriends. ZA-WING!
And to make up for jumping to conclusions about this all being Marvel's fault somehow yesterday, this entire list of samples shall be 100% DC Comics T-Shirts!
Batgirl Juniors Symbol Costume T-Shirt
Made from 100% Cotton, we have the most awesome Batgirl costume t-shirt complete with her cute little belt Bat symbol, used as a cookie cutter when she's not fighting crime or doing her hair. So, when you're tired of kitchen work, doing your hair and nails and yer up fer fait'n crime and kicking in some crack thief's haid in with yer high heels... then the Batgirl Juniors Symbol Costume T-Shirt shirt's for you. Be tough! Be Batgirl tough. ... just share them cookies with me! The Batgirl Juniors Symbol Costume T-Shirt is a black, Junior Woman's T-Shirt featuring the Batgirl Symbol amd Batgirl belt (great for carrying mascara) in bright yellow!
Batgirl Running Juniors T-Shirt
The latest in our line of retro style Batgirl t-shirts. You've never done Jazzericise till you've done it with Barbara Gordon! Look at those glutes, thighs and them boobies. Everyone loves Batgirl, except the Joker! Bastard shot her in front of her own dad. Can you believe it? Yup, it's true. Look it up. This Batgirl t-shirt is a dark grey shirt with an absolutely perfect screen print of Batgirlldoing her Jazzercise. And one! And Two.. all together now.. And Three! And Four! Breeeeath people!
Wonder Woman Juniors Corset Costume T-Shirt
Made from 100% Cotton, we have the most sexy, Double D, Wonder Boobage Wonder Woman Corset Costume t-shirt. If you want to get noticed, stop traffic and have intergalactic Mandalorian bounty hunters take notice... then this Wonder Woman Juniors Corset Costume T-Shirt is the one for you. Let's face it... guys are pigs, dogs and man-whores who notice cleavage and you're just the girl to grab that attention. This Wonder Woman Juniors Corset Costume T-Shirt, complete with already built in augmentation, is a limited production shirt; Lord only knows when we they will stop making them. So, grab the Wonder Woman Juniors Corset Costume T-Shirt and stop traffic while you can on Halloween and any other night. Don't just go.. go Double D!
Supergirl Juniors Costume T-Shirt
Made from 100% Cotton, we have the Supergirl Costume Juniors T-Shirt! This Supergirl Juniors Costume T-Shirt is just the perfect costume shirt to have when you a) don't feel like dressing like a dork, b) want to save money, c) want to wear your outfit during other parts of the year. All you need is a cape, our supergirl boots and a red handbag and you're good to go. Check out our Supergirl undies too! The Supergirl Juniors Costume T-Shirt is a Junior Woman's, blue T-Shirt featuring the likeness of Supergirl's costume with yellow belt and Superman Shield Symbol!
Supergirl Distressed Blue T-Shirt
This Supergirl T-Shirt is a junior's style cut and features a purposely distressed Superman Shield Symbol on a Royal Blue T-Shirt. Ladies, buy this thing or I swear on last year's pumpkin pie Superman will be very disappointed with you...just like your husbands and boyfriends. ZA-WING!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
And they wonder why some women are reluctant to get into comics...
I'm going to be on break for a while. Sudden financial difficulties necessitate me giving up comics for things like food and heat for a week or three. But that won't stop me from reporting on the latest in Marvel Marketing idiot fanboy stupidity.
SOURCE: Marvel Girls Rule Womens T-Shirt
Quick Quiz: What is the most offensive/creepy part of this?
a) the suggestion that women wouldn't ever buy a comic-book related t-shirt and that it would be bought for them by a man?
b) the fact that your girlfriend and your sister are apparently interchangeable? (Insert Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch joke here)
c) the discussion of fantasy harems and which superheroines would be in it?
d) describing Black Widow as "too... used"?
e) other (please use the reply function to explain)
f) all of the above
UPDATE - 2/3/10:
It seems that has changed the text on the offending shirt. Thankfully, it's pretty easy to find the original text if you know where to look on the Net. Here now, for postarity, is the original text.
Made from 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester, this cream colored, woman's T-Shirt features purposely faded images of your favorite female Marvel comic book characters! Well, they're your favorite, but your girlfriend (or sister) will actually be wearing the tshirt! HUZZAH! Hmmm...Can't decide which Marvel Super-heroine I wish to add to my fantasy harem first. Spiderwoman is DEFINITELY in there. Black Widow...maybe; she's just a little too...used for me. HUZZAH! Hellcat? Absolutely. Scarlet Witch? Maybe not. She could unmake me if I forget to dry the dishes or something. Invisible Woman? YES! It's the hot mom thing! And....Marvel Girl. NOPE! Too damn whiney, not enough character and she tends to die when things get rough! Now, this Marvel tee is EXTREMELY limited, so buy the shirt, tell your girlfriend which female Marvel character you wish them to emulate, get dumped, go back to the imaginary harem.
SOURCE: Marvel Girls Rule Womens T-Shirt
Quick Quiz: What is the most offensive/creepy part of this?
a) the suggestion that women wouldn't ever buy a comic-book related t-shirt and that it would be bought for them by a man?
b) the fact that your girlfriend and your sister are apparently interchangeable? (Insert Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch joke here)
c) the discussion of fantasy harems and which superheroines would be in it?
d) describing Black Widow as "too... used"?
e) other (please use the reply function to explain)
f) all of the above
UPDATE - 2/3/10:
It seems that has changed the text on the offending shirt. Thankfully, it's pretty easy to find the original text if you know where to look on the Net. Here now, for postarity, is the original text.
Made from 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester, this cream colored, woman's T-Shirt features purposely faded images of your favorite female Marvel comic book characters! Well, they're your favorite, but your girlfriend (or sister) will actually be wearing the tshirt! HUZZAH! Hmmm...Can't decide which Marvel Super-heroine I wish to add to my fantasy harem first. Spiderwoman is DEFINITELY in there. Black Widow...maybe; she's just a little too...used for me. HUZZAH! Hellcat? Absolutely. Scarlet Witch? Maybe not. She could unmake me if I forget to dry the dishes or something. Invisible Woman? YES! It's the hot mom thing! And....Marvel Girl. NOPE! Too damn whiney, not enough character and she tends to die when things get rough! Now, this Marvel tee is EXTREMELY limited, so buy the shirt, tell your girlfriend which female Marvel character you wish them to emulate, get dumped, go back to the imaginary harem.
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