The back-up story by Sholly Fisch is far more enjoyable. Indeed, I'd recommend this issue just for this story alone. Stories about Clark and Pa Kent having a good father/son chat are hardly new but Fisch's story here - centering on a time-displaced Superman being given a chance to talk to the dad who never got the chance to see what he did with his life - seems both brand-new and touching. It reminded me of a similar story that J. Michael Straczynski penned for Amazing Spider-Man #500 yet it still comes off as it's own unique tale.
This book continues to be blessed with top-notch artists across the board. Brad Walker? Rags Morales? Chris Sprouse? You'd be lucky to have one of these artist's illustrating a story, never mind all three of the working in concert! While I may grow annoyed with Morrison dragging his feet, I cannot complain about how this book looks even as it seems we are treading water in terms of the plot.
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