Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Injustice: Gods Among Us - Year Four #19 - A Review

Condemned to the prison plane of Tartarus (more like Tartar-ASS, given the way it smells), things are looking bad for Billy Batson and Hippolyta. Luckily, they've got an expert in escaping from prison with them - the ever-lovin', blue-eyed Harley Quinn!  Unluckily, they're being closely watched by the architect of their imprisonment - Ares!

After several issues of doom and gloom, it's a real treat to see an issue centering upon something as silly as the idea of Harley Quinn escaping from Hell. And yet, despite the humor of the concept, Brian Buccellato does not belittle Harley's competence while mining the situation for its obvious comedic potential. Quinn is a stone-cold badass in this issue and holds her own alongside the queen of the freaking Amazons in a brawl to say nothing of being willing to throw down with the God of War himself!

Would that the artwork equaled the concept!  Xermanico's work on this issue is uncharacteristically sloppy and the issue's action sequences suffer for it. The colors by Rex Lokus, however, remain a high point of the series as does Wes Abbott's lettering.

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