Sarcasm and commentary, as the show plays. Here is the archive of what I said on Twitter.
0:01: It's US-1, the Trucker Hero!
0:02: Uh oh. Trucker. Plot involves people becoming invisible. Is this a remake of Riding With Death?
0:05: The Bus is NOT The Serenity. Not at all. Don't even think that.
0:12: Look out, Coulson! He's riding Bad Horse!
0:15: Drinking the wine the kidnapper just gave you. Not a very smart scientist, is he?
0:16: It's Wonderflonium! Do Not Bounce!
0:18: A Stargate?
0:25: Oh geez... an abusive childhood. Did this become a DC Comic villain's origin all of a sudden?
0:29: And nobody notices the woman talking to herself in the middle of this well-lit party?
0:31: This speech about government interference in big business sounds better when it isn't given by Rick Perry.
0:32: Why does Skye's diction sound less natural when she ISN"T parroting a script over her headset?
0:40: "Saying his name repeatedly does not increase productivity!" Line of the episode.
0:43: More excitement in this Hobbit trailer than this whole episode before now.
0:52: All snarking aside, the gravity effects are pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of The Prisoner.
0:53: Nice job, Coulson! You just made the world's biggest executive desk toy!
0:59: I predict this will only lead to good things in the future!
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