Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Earth 2 #14 - A Review

Earth 2 #14 is largely set-up for the long-awaited confrontation between the new generation of Wonders and the forces of Apokolips that have been lying dormant for five years.  Naturally they come into conflict with their superhuman rivals in the World Army but this issue does give us the first glimpse of a larger team forming from both groups of superhumans.  We also get our first good look at one of the World Army's "Red" soldiers - a mysterious archer called The Red Arrow. 

This series has become a bittersweet read for me.  Oh, it's as grand as ever - don't get me wrong.  But knowing that we're coming closer and closer to James Robinson's final issue does cast an aura of melancholy over the whole affair, though I'm sure Tom Taylor will prove capable of filling Robinson's shoes.

Thankfully, the art of Nicola Scott and Trevor Scott is bright enough to rid me of any ennui I might feel in the wake of Robinson's departure.  The vivid detail of Nicola Scott's pencils brings each panel to life, showcasing her artistic versatility as we see her use subtle stylistic differences to depict how The Flash fights compared to how Green Lantern or Doctor Fate does it.  The effect used to blur The Flash's panels while showcasing his speed is particularly effective. 

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