In anticipation of the upcoming Man of Steel movie, I decided to do another Live Tweet commentary upon Richard Donner's cut of Superman II.
To save space, the hashtag for this
will be #SupermanIIRDCut.
Those of you curious how the #RichardDonner
cut differs from the original release of #SupermanII? …
Okay. Not a complete film. Some test
shots included. #SupermanIIRDCut
I miss the old @DCComics logo with the swooping star. #SupermanIIRDCut
Dedicated to#ChristoperReeve.
Classy. #SupermanIIRDCut
Dedicated to
In the words of Crow T. Robot, "Haven't we seen this one before?" #MST3K #SupermanIIRDCut
As before, still love how Brando pronounces #Krypton "Crypt-Tin". #SupermanIIRDCut
"You will bow down before me, Jor-El! Both you and then one day your heirs!" Foreshadowing, much?
Boy, Zod and company became all sedate watching their planet blow up. #SupermanIIRDCut
Remember kids! #LexLuthor says knowledge is power! So study hard and be evil! #SupermanIIRDCut
Quick question, math geeks. What are the odds of Superman randomly hitting that... whatever Zod & Co are trapped in?
And here we are.... 8 and 1/2 minutes in and... CREDITS!
Obligatory comment on how awesome the #JohnWilliams score is. #SupermanIIRDCut
*cheers at the Siegel and Shuster credit*
And now... a bowling ball in space!
Bah! #JimmyOlsen without a bow tie? That's like the 11th Doctor without a bow tie! #SupermanIIRDCut #DoctorWho
I'm super. *nudge nudge* #SayNoMore #KnowWhatIMean #NudgeNudge #SupermanIIRDCut
I just love Clark trying to hunch-over and scrunch in as Lois talks about Superman's broad shoulders. #SupermanIIRDCut
Lois jumping out a window to see if Clark will save her? Classic. And awesome. #SupermanIIRDCut
The sequence of Clark subtly saving Lois is epic. #SupermanIIRDCut
"Lois? Oh, she just stepped out for a moment." Only you and #JamesBond, Clark. #SupermanIIRDCut
That would be the basis for a great #Superman game /w stealth missions where Clark has to subtly use his powers w/out blowing his cover.
Meanwhile, at NASA, somebody is playing Pong. #SupermanIIRDCut
Oh, for the day when that crack about the two astronauts getting engaged just confuses everyone. #SupermanIIRDCut
"It looked like a girl!" Insert heavenly body joke here. #SupermanIIRDCut
Okay, how the hell does Zod know how to speak Russian? #SupermanIIRDCut
I know he could learn the language super-fast (pun intended) but where the heck would be be able to do so? #SupermanIIRDCut
"a planet with only one sun... a yellow sun..." Since when has Krypton had two suns? I thought it just had Rao? #SupermanIIRDCut
I just love Luthor rocking the ascot with his prison uniform. He was a real swinger! #SupermanIIRDCut
Niagara Falls. Slowwwwwwly I turn.... #SupermanIIRDCut
Knowing Lex, I'm amazed he didn't have Miss Tessmacher pulling a dog sled.
You'd think the Fortress of Solitude would have better security. Even if it IS hard to get to... #SupermanIIRDCut
So... this was Lex Luthor's brilliant plan? Break into Superman's house and flip through his family album? #SupermanIIRDCut
You know, if General Zod's coup was the worst thing Krypton had to endure... the Kryptonians had it easy. #SupermanIIRDCut
So Lex finds out there's three Kryptonian baddies out there somewhere. Starts planning to become a toady? #SupermanIIRDCut
The real #LexLuthor would start plotting how to take their powers for himself or how to destroy them.
The Fortress of Solitude did have a bathroom. Suggesting that bathrooms on Krypton are quite similar to those on Earth.#SupermanIIRDCut
Either that, or among his many other acts of brilliance, Jor-El was able to code a crystal to generate pipes and a toilet.#SupermanIIRDCut
The Fortress of Solitude did have a bathroom. Suggesting that bathrooms on Krypton are quite similar to those on Earth.
Either that, or among his many other acts of brilliance, Jor-El was able to code a crystal to generate pipes and a toilet.
"Only one ride to a customer." Should have had a kid in the background start screaming that they were next. #SupermanIIRDCut
So this is Planet Hoo-sten?
Love the interplay between Clark and Lois here. And Lois' smug smirk as Clark is playing the goof. #SupermanIIRDCut
"Gotcha!" #SupermanIIRDCut
No Snakes Were Actually Set On Fire In The Making Of This Film. We Think. Probably. #SupermanIIRDCut
What we don't get to see - Superman taking Lois Lane to Paris and Rome BEFORE taking her by the Fortress of Solitude. #SupermanIIRDCut
Hey wait... I thought Superman didn't drink! Or is that just when he's flying? #SupermanIIRDCut
Does alcohol even affect #Superman? #SupermanIIRDCut
You know... Lois and Clark's hair looks remarkably unmessed for two people who just got done... um... launching the rocket. #SupermanIIRDCut
So why does Clark have to give up his powers? We just proved he and Lois can do it without things going all Niven. #SupermanIIRDCut
Or were he and Lois just spooning naked? I know the Singer movie said otherwise but...
Hey, wait a second... if Superman erased Lois's memory of everything... does she even remember having sex with Superman? #SupermanIIRDCut
And in the #SupermanReturns movie... does THAT Lois have any idea how she got pregnant? #SupermanIIRDCut #FridgeHorror
Gah! Too many questions and one more reason to hate #SupermanReturns! Back to #SupermanIIRDCut
"What a backward culture... where the men wear the ribbons." Hey, I don't recall any women wearing ribbons on Krypton. #SupermanIIRDCut
So... how the hell did Lois and Clark get to a car rental place from the North Pole without him having powers? #SupermanIIRDCut
Okay, I know the Fortress of Solitude isn't LITERALLY at the North Pole. Hell, it's probably not that far north. #SupermanIIRDCut
Has there ever been an official location of the Fortress of Solitude? Alaska? Canada? Sounds like a question for @SizzlerKistler
I remember the one in Peru, oddly enough. Thank you, sir!
WTF... the soda jerk is holding back Lois when the bully is about to smack her? #SupermanIIRDCut
This whole movie is just one case of bad timing after another... #SupermanIIRDCut
If Superman had thrown that missile a few seconds earlier or later... If he hadn't given up his powers RIGHT NOW.... #SupermanIIRDCut
And, here comes Lex, trying to weasel his way into Zod's good graces. #SupermanIIRDCut
So what happened to Miss Tessmacher between Lex leaving the Fortress of Solitude and Lex showing up at The White House? #SupermanIIRDCut
My theory? Lex ate her on the way back from The North Pole.
What? We saw the World's Greatest Criminal Mastermind forgot to pack rations on his snowmobile. #SupermanIIRDCut
"Superman... thank God, I mean... GET HIM!" He's nothing like the real Lex, but I still love Movie Lex. #SupermanIIRDCut
Here, in a nutshell, is the difference between common people in the DC Comics and Marvel Universes. #SupermanIIRDCut
DC Universe - people look up in slack-jawed wonder as the heroes and villains fight, stopping only to cheer the heroes. #SupermanIIRDCut
Marvel Universe - they look up in slack-jawed annoyance & curse at the heroes for causing a traffic jam. #SupermanIIRDCut
Superman used a mirror to reflect back Zod's heat vision. Zod still has all his hair. #SupermanIIRDCut
So much for THAT theory on how Superman shaves. #SupermanIIRDCut
You'd never see a cigarette truck in the background of a superhero movie today. Just saying. #SupermanIIRDCut
This is the part of the movie with all the product placement in the billboards being tossed around #SupermanIIRDCut
Hey! There's a theater showing Evita! #SupermanIIRDCut
"They killed Superman! Let's get them!" Lot of heart, people in the DC Universe. #SupermanIIRDCut
Naturally, Superman isn't dead. More powerful than a locomotive, remember? That was a mid-size bus.
"Why do you say this to me when you know that I will kill you for it?" Great line.
See, I like this whole bit. Shows Superman actually using his brain over his muscles. #SupermanIIRDCut
That and depending on the one thing in the universe more constant than gravity - Lex Luthor will always double cross you. #SupermanIIRDCut
"Take my hand. Swear eternal loyalty to Zod". And then tell me I'm pretty.
Nothing quite so funny as Non trying to fly, making that face... and then falling to his death. #SupermanIIRDCut
So... yeah. Superman just straight up murdered Zod. And Lois pushed Ursa off a cliff! #SupermanIIRDCut
So... Superman flies out of the Fortress of Solitude, carrying Lois. No sign of Luthor. Then he blows up the Fortress. #SupermanIIRDCut
Did Superman just blow up Lex Luthor too? Great Rao!
Really, is there any reason apart from the status quo Superman and Lois CAN'T have a relationship? #SupermanIIRDCut
I mean, Lois clearly understands he has to go help people, so date nights will be weird. And shagging is on the table. #SupermanIIRDCut
Perry White even smokes when he's brushing his teeth! #SupermanIIRDCut
Honestly, it's for the best. Because the power of that scene is kinda undercut by Superman going back in time. Again. #SupermanIIRDCut
So yeah... the whole movie never happened. Except Lex Luthor is about to break out of jail and go to the Fortress again. #SupermanIIRDCut
Pizza at 9:10 am? Sounds like my typical breakfast. #SupermanIIRDCut
I think Clark is dressed like Brad Majors from #RockyHorror here on purpose! #SupermanIIRDCut
And... there we have it. Credits where Credits is due. #SupermanIIRDCut
Superman and Lois outright kill four people between them,. But Superman reverses time so it never happened. So ok! #SupermanIIRDCut
Final credit? A note that things have changed and Richard Donner wouldn't make the movie with fur coats or smoking today.#SupermanIIRDCut
I also watched the unused footage. Yes, there was some. Two bits of note. #SupermanIIRDCut
First, the US Arctic Patrol arrests Lex Luthor and takes him away before Superman blows up the Fortress of Solitude. #SupermanIIRDCut
So apparently the Fortress of Solitude is in the USA. Somewhere. #SupermanIIRDCut
Second, there's a clip of Lex and Miss Tessmacher heading south form the Fortress of Solitude. #SupermanIIRDCut
We still don't see her arrive safely in civilization, so my cannibalism theory is still valid.#SupermanIIRDCut
We still don't see her arrive safely in civilization, so my cannibalism theory is still valid.
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