Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sword And Sorcery Sunday: Queen Sonja #4

BAD THING: As good as Mel Rubi's art usually is, his rendering of Sonja's costume of late has been ridiculous even by the standards of sword-and-sorcery comics. The chainmail bikini is barely covering her body, much less holding it securely so that everything isn't bouncing around when she's running or fighting.

Yes, I'm ashamed I put that much thought into this too.

GOOD THING: At least the story - in which Sonja leads a rebellion against a usurping, corrupt noble to aid a gang of warrior sisters - is a riveting one and a welcome change from Brian Reed's story at the end of the most recent Red Sonja book.

And here's a bonus - Sonja is in real armor at story's end.

The Final Verdict: Despite some serious cheesecake - even by the standards of this book and the sword and sorcery genre - the story saves the book. Grab the trade if you haven't already been reading this book.

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