Thursday, November 12, 2009

One Good Thing And One Bad Thing About REBELS #10

GOOD THING: Ummm... they do make it easy for new readers to identify all the characters and learn their names and superpowers.

BAD THING: That's about all you learn about most of these characters.

The Final Verdict: Avoid it. I actually like Space Opera and even I couldn't be buggered to care about most of this issue. It has jack and squat to do with Blackest Night up until the very end and the main character treats the intrusion of the Black Lanterns as an annoyance rather than the threat they should be.


  1. "the main character treats the intrusion of the Black Lanterns as an annoyance"
    Given thats how I've felt about every Johns run mega-event for the last couple years when they fall into the books I'm reading I'm now tempted to look into R.E.B.E.L.S...

  2. I don't mean annoyance in the way I think you do. He acts like the dead rising from the grave with superpowers (including his ex-wife/mate) is no big deal compared to what is going on in the main plot-line.
    Granting that this is a Brainiac we're talking about, this seems ridiculously short-sighted.
