Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #8 - An Advanced Review/Preview

Things have grown even more dire for The Doctor's friends back in the 1970s. (Or was it the 1980s?) A plague of giant monsters have England under siege but The Brigadier is nearly powerless to act thanks to the political interference of an insufferable nobleman. Worse yet, UNIT is on the brink of being taken-over by the for-profit mercenary group Albion and being exposed to the world by a quisling UNIT officer!

The writing continues to be the strongest aspect of Titan Comics' Ninth Doctor series. Cavan Scott perfectly captures the spirit of the Ninth Doctor era and blends it perfectly with the aesthetic of the Third Doctor UNIT days, crafting one heck of a ripping yarn! As a Doctor Who fan who counts the Christopher Eccleston and Jon Pertwee incarnations among my top five favorite Doctors (don't ask me to decide where to count them, though!), I loved seeing the classic UNIT team in action alongside Scott's original characters Sgt. Osgood and Lt. Mishra, who are as rich and well-developed as Harry "The Imbecile" Sullivan and Sgt. Benton. And there's something magical about how The Brigadier quietly notes the change in his old friend and how he acts like an officer rather than a scientist now.

Unfortunately, artist Adriana Melo returned this month, delivering her worst outing yet. Previously, Melo's work on this title has been over-inked, sloppy and rushed. Her work for this issue goes beyond that, producing panels which look as if a layer of ink was hurriedly applied to a rough pencil sketch. I know Melo is capable of producing quality work (you can see quite a lot of it on her website) but it seems the rigors of a monthly comic may be beyond her talents.

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #8 releases on December 21st, 2016.
Ask for it at your local comic shop or purchase it on

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