Separated from her companions, the sorceress Seoni finds herself in a strange rain forest. Thankfully Fantomah - the self-proclaimed goddess of the jungle - sees Seoni's noble heart and leaves her unharmed. Soon Seoni is met by new companions - the former soldier of Earth turned jungle lord known as Thun'da and the Green Martian warlord Tars Tarkas - who tell Seoni of the strange world where they have all been marooned.
Pulp fans and gamers alike are sure to enjoy this series. The rich, vibrant artwork by Jonathan Lau and Omi Remlante proves spell-binding in its beauty and this month's gamer supplement provides Pathfinder statistics for the Green Martian race. What really sells this issue, however, is the story by Erik Mona and the sheer logistics of what he's accomplished.
Much like Gail Simone's Swords of Sorrow, Pathfinder: Worldscape draws upon a variety of classic fantasy and science-fiction in building its world. While advance reviews told us we'd see the likes of Red Sonja, Tarzan and the whole of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom, the inclusion of Fantomah (credited by many as the first superheroine) and Frank Frazetta's jungle hero Thun'da was a pleasant surprise.
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