Monday, November 21, 2016

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #7 - An Advanced Review/Preview

The Doctor, Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness have tracked one monster into the past only to find a bigger problem - literally, as England is besieged by kaiju straight from a Japanese monster movie! Some of The Doctor's old friends from UNIT are on the case but they're equally overwhelmed by a pompous Defense Minister, who is out to shut down UNIT in favor of a privatized alien fighting force. Lost in the middle of all of this is a missing scientist, whose family Captain Jack and Sergeant Benton will have to save from one of the monsters...

The artwork on this issue is a vast improvement over Issue #6. There is a high level of clarity throughout, with no exaggeration nor loss of detail in the far and middle distances. Cris Bolson demonstrates all the skills of a fantastic caricaturist. The likenesses of the core cast from the show are well presented and the old familiar faces from UNIT do indeed look familiar.

Cavan Scott continues to proves his skill as a storyteller, seeming to capture the voices of all the individual characters perfectly. From The Doctor's half-muttered comments on the stupid apes he's trying to save to the enthusiastic naivety of Harry "The Imbecile" Sullivan, every page of this seems like a lost Terrance Dicks script produced during the Russell T. Davies era of Doctor Who.

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #7 releases on Novemeber 23th, 2016.
Ask for it at your local comic shop or purchase it on

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