Monday, October 17, 2016

Doctor Who: The Third Doctor #2 - An Advanced Review/Preview

As a reward for his good service, The Doctor recently had his exile lifted and the knowledge of how to pilot the time-machine known as The TARDIS restored. Yet he's had no chance to enjoy his newfound freedom due to an unexpected visitor taking over his lab and a new crisis threatening his friends at UNIT. Worse yet, the rogue Time Lord known as The Master is still at liberty and he may not be the greatest threat to everything The Doctor holds sacred!

Fans of the Jon Pertwee era of Doctor Who and newcomers alike are sure to enjoy this splendid book. Paul Cornell expertly captures the personalities of the various players and one can hear the voices of the original actors as they read the witty dialogue. The artwork by Christopher Jones and Hi-Fi proves equally enjoyable, balancing the line between caricature and cartoon in their depictions of these beloved characters and all of the amazing action!

Doctor Who: The Third Doctor #2 releases on October 19, 2016. 
Ask for it at your local comic shop or purchase it on

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