Thursday, August 25, 2016

Clean Room #11 - A Review

Astrid Mueller is still in seclusion as a sinister Evangelic group makes a power play to take over her organization. At the same time, The Entities Astrid has devoted her life to fighting are preparing to go to war over the torture of one of their own. Only reporter Chloe Pierce has a chance of stopping that battle, thanks to a secret of her own. But could it be too late for her to turn the tide?
It's growing increasingly difficult for me to summarize each individual issue of this series in a way that makes sense to the uninitiated. Such is the complexity of the universe Gail Simone has crafted in a surprisingly short time. Her tales are matched in complexity by the vividly detailed artwork of Jon Davis-Hunt and the vibrant colors of Quinton Winter. I've said it before and I'll say it again - if you are any kind of horror fan, you need to be reading Clean Room.

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