Friday, October 10, 2014

Injustice: Gods Among Us - Year Three #2 - A Review

Is it too early to start a petition to hand over the reigns of the Constantine comic to Tom Taylor once the Injustice books come to a close?  I ask because it's become apparent to me, after only two issues, that Mister Taylor has got the best grasp on the character of any writer to tackle ol' ConJob since Andy Diggle's all-too-brief run on Hellblazer.  And given how highly I hold Andy Diggle's run on Hellblazer, that is not praise given lightly.

There are so many perfect Constantine moments in this comic that I am hard pressed to single any one of them out as my favorite.  But if pressed, I'd say the best probably involves John having a cheap laugh at the expense of his allies and Batman proving he has no idea who John Constantine truly is when he asks how John can laugh when the world is going to hell.  He is John Constantine.  How can he not? This second issue also sees John doing things that make perfect sense in the context of the DC Universe but which I don't think have ever been attempted - such as John's calling upon Trigon.

The artwork by Bruno Redondo and Vincent Cifuentes matches their usual high standard.  The inks on some pages seem a little heavier this time around, but given the darkness of the story - both literal and metaphorical - this seems fitting.

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