Rocha's figures are unique in that they manage to be awful in different ways from panel to panel. On one page, Power Girl can be drawn as a neckless mass of muscle while later sporting a neck so long one might think her part giraffe! Noses, eyes and even the basic shapes of faces are rarely consistent from panel to panel Facher is similarly inept, half-inking some figures and foreground details while leaving everything else on the page undefined. There are some points where, if I didn't know any better, I'd swear Facher used a black Sharpie marker tooutline the individual characters!

The malaise of the series' artwork seems to have infected the writing. Nothing much happens in the on-going plot until the final pages. Paul Levitz seems to be in a holding pattern, as if padding things out for the inevitable trade paperback collection or just biding his time until cancellation or a crossover with Earth 2 - whichever comes first. Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that Previews promises a new art team next month, I'd consider dropping the book here and now. As it is, this book is still on thin ice.
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