Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us #14 - A Review

Injustice #14 escalates the battle between the heroes who value liberty over security (i.e. Batman) and those who wish to bring about safety at any cost (i.e. Damn near everyone else).  After thwarting Two-Face's attack on the Channel 2 News anchors in Gotham City, Superman promises that he and the Justice League will do something about Arkham Asylum once and for all.  Naturally, Batman is less than pleased about this announcement.  He's even less pleased when his sidekicks either outright refuse to help him stop Superman or play the Devil's Advocate for Superman's point of view. 

Tom Taylor's scripts continue to impress me.  It would be all too easy for Superman to be portrayed as a power-mad tyrant but Taylor's take on the Man of Steel shows that he's still the same charming gentleman he's always been when it comes to dealing with law-abiding citizens.  Even knowing what he's done, you can't help but like the guy as he talks about his dead wife and smiles when someone apologizes for saying she was the better reporter.  The drama between Bruce and his sons is also well played and the dialogue is perfectly suited towards each character.

The artwork by Jheremy Raapack is not quite so inspiring.  Rappack is not a bad artist but his particular style is better suited toward illustrating Batman stories than the more colorful exploits of Superman.  The sequences set in the Batcave look quite good but the inking on the scenes with Superman in the TV studio seem overly dark.

Apart from that one issue, this is a fine comic and well worth the price of a download.  I don't know how many Injustice fans will be up for reading a comic on this, the day of the game's release.  I just hope that some of them - who aren't regular comic readers - come across this issue later.  It may well make them into fans of the medium.

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