Thursday, March 22, 2012

All-Con: Day Two, Part One. A Pictoral Report

Showered, shaved and highly entertained by a viewing of the latest episode of Green Lantern: The Animated Series and the Super Best Friends Forever short on DC Nation, I headed down to the floor for the 10 AM screening of Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog.

I was the only member of Amber Does Dallas who showed up for this show - unsurprising as I figured everyone else would be sleeping in, all the better to gear up for our show late that night. The crowd, too, was smaller for this Saturday morning show. I was surprised to see a lot of parents with children in the audience, having never really thought of Dr. Horrible as being a family show.

Still, Rick (of United States of Geekdom fame) and I soldiered on, held an "evil laugh" contest for all the children present (most of them were too shy to say anything, let alone laugh) and set about trying to do a clean riffing of Dr. Horrible. We were, thankfully, successful in this regard and Rick said he thought the jokes were better when people weren't trying to be as dirty as possible. I'm inclined to agree.

After grabbing lunch, I ran back to my room and changed into my Doctor uniform. I regularly cosplay The Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who at local events and I had a photo-shoot planned with DFW Cosplay Gallifrey - a group of like-minded Whovians here in Dallas who enjoy dressing up like The Doctor and his companions and enemies.

Once I was out of the sweat suit (a wool scarf is rarely a good idea in Texas, even in March!), I hit the floor and snapped a few more pictures of the other cosplayers.

Classic Captain America

Cosplay Queen and special Con-Guest Amaya De'Morte, as Rogue from X-Men.

The White and Black Queen of the Hellfire Club from X-Men.

Poison Ivy


This quite comely Red Sonja is a member of Assassination City Roller Derby, who were offering several seminars upon the awesomeness of roller derby throughout the weekend. Some may question the effectiveness of her armor but I'll let them be the ones to put on the skates and test her metal.

Shortly after catching the tail end of the Roller Derby panel, I went out with my friend Chrispy, her husband Joe and their friend Liz for a quick dinner (and by dinner I mean cheese fries) at the pub down the street from the hotel before I had to go teach my last class of the panel - another history course on the eras of American Comics.

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