Monday, December 21, 2009

One Good Thing And One Bad Thing About Fables #91

GOOD THING: There's finally some forward momentum on the main plot, despite most of the issue - like the last few issues - being mostly devoted toward various talking heads saying "We should DO something!" / "But we cannot act rashly." / "Yes, but we should still do SOMETHING!". And the scenes of Bufkin finally taking on Baba Yaga and her sons are pretty effective.

BAD THING: We finally get an update on Rose Red... and nothing has changed. In fact, she seems to be even crazier than before, convinced that most of the last few years worth of comics didn't happen and nobody much seems to care or be trying to help her.

The Final Verdict: Willingham seems to be stalling for time and writing for the trade. I fear we may be seeing what would have happened had Neil Gaiman attempted to try and keep The Sandman going past Issue 75. It's still as gorgeous as ever but the story is just idling in place. And the way Rose Red is being treated is inexcusable.


  1. This is pretty much why I consider Fables to be ended where it was originally planned (at the end of the war). It's also why I like Vertigo titles: because they're designed with an ending in mind and paced as such.
    Unfortunately, Fables is also pretty much the only great, even good thing, that Willingham has written, so he's blatantly milking it for all it's worth.

  2. 's also why I like Vertigo titles: because they're designed with an ending in mind and paced as such.
    Well, with some exceptions. Hellblazer is still kicking and I don't think anything will ever let it end. Unless sales keep dipping as they have under Milligan and someone suggests that Jamie Delano come back to write the story leading up to the death he set up for John as an old man during his run.
    Unfortunately, Fables is also pretty much the only great, even good thing, that Willingham has written, so he's blatantly milking it for all it's worth.
    I fear that's the case. I don't think he heard the saying about "Better to burn out than fade away."
