Monday, October 5, 2009

Why Power Girl Is Awesome


  1. Aww!
    Also, posted your OMD/BND theory here.

  2. Cool.
    It seems that the pro-Marvel trolls that frequent the place have already found it and are ripping it apart. All of them ignoring that I didn't say one word about the stories AFTER One More Day being bad.

  3. I was surprised. *lol* Didn't take long at all...

  4. I'm not.
    Scarily, that's the second time that the subject of Flash being an injured veteran has been brought up, leading me to believe that none of these people know about Flash's history with Peter and that he HAD been picking on Peter in one of the few post OMD stories I read.
    Admittedly, because of my personal ban on buying Marvel, I haven't read most of the post-OMD stories, so if any of Peter's old friends have shown up, I missed it. As is, I've only seen Harry, Peter's new roommate and all of Joe Kelly's new creations. The last time I looked at a Spider-Man story, Peter was still looking for work and getting laughed out of teaching jobs, labs and newspapers everywhere. So that's a fair cop, if he's been more successful since then.
    The subject of why Mephisto would want Norman's soul was also brought up on ToplessRobot. My response there addresses most of those complaints...
    Even if you believe that Mephisto's spiel about not being interested in souls in One More Day (I personally don't and Mephisto's profile on backs me up on this, saying that he is "empowered by the souls of the damned" and is that he "takes particular interest in the souls of extremely powerful or exceptionally pure beings".) there is still one thing Norman offers Mephisto that he needs - a means to an end.
    From what I remember of Deal-Making Demons in Marvel Comics, they're effectively powerless to affect big changes without a human pulling the strings. In other words, as all-powerful as he is in his own realm, Mephisto can't do much on the mortal plane except within the terms of a bargain with a mortal.
    Norman then, is Mephisto's tool, to get carte blanche to mess with everything and everyone on a grand scale. Sure, Norman is small potatoes and almost certainly damned anyway at this point. But by putting him in charge, Mephisto pushes a LOT of buttons and forces a lot of good people into very difficult positions, where they too might be willing to play "Deal or No Deal".

  5. Ya know, that could tie in to Sacassa's Nightcrawler book too, which had Mephistoference. That book died, but it was supposedly leading to a demon war if I recall.

  6. Cool. But is anyone going to say anything about Power Girl? :D

  7. Hey, I went "aww!" for PG.
    Actually, it's adorable. Can't wait for a trade.

  8. I love this book so much. It is the first book in years I have read several times on purchase and then insist that others read it for the awesomeness.

  9. Looks like a cool character moment to me. I'm waiting for the trade of this (I do with just about every book I read, no discrimination) and all the good word makes me curious to read it. I've already preordered the Terra trade, is it as good as the Power Girl mini?
    Wes A.

  10. It's the first book in a long time I've insisted people had to start getting, too.

  11. April 13, 2010 according to

  12. I didn't get a chance to read Terra when it came out originally, but it is by the same team and Terra has already shown up in Power Girl.
    She even appears to be taking on something of a sidekick role.
