Saturday, September 8, 2007

Looking To The Stars - 09/10/07 - The Week In Reviews

You all have my girlfriend to thank for this week's brief column. If it hadn't been for the books I was buying for her, I wouldn't have bought any new comics this week.

Company Name: DC Comics
Writer: J. Torres
Artist: Lee Ferguson, Christine Norrie and Karl Story

I'm very torn on this issue.

Even ignoring whatever conflicting feelings I have over wanting to like the idea of a Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen marriage but not being overly happy with how it came about through editorial order and most of the execution thus far... there's still a lot about the book that I love and a lot I loathe.

I like how Ollie and Dinah sound like a real couple, snarky remarks and all.

I like how Ollie is portayed as wanting to be involved in the details and not being the stereotypical indifferent groom and Dinah is portayed as just wanting to get the job done with as little fuss and interference as possible. Very true to their classic personalities.

I like a lot of the little character moments, like how Ollie is portayed as knowing a lot more about gorumet cooking than Dinah. I like this not just for the sake of breaking stereotypes (the man knows what a gastrique is) or because it's funny (especially given Ollie's preference for simpler fare like chili) but because given Ollie's background as the Bruce Wayne before Bruce Wayne... it actually makes sense.

The artwork is, at times, gorgeous. Case in point.

On the other hand, there's a lot not to like here.

While this is comic is supposed to be a bit-more humor heavy to make up for the lack of action, a lot of characters are truly out of character for the sake of making a joke. For instance, Ollie expresses a reluctance to have their honeymoon on a tropical island. Because - ya know - he was shipwrecked on a tropical island once. While I can see this making a sort of sense...

1) They don't bother to explain the joke past Ollie raising an eyebrow and saying "An island, Dinah?" and Dinah saying "Oh... right. Sorry." Granting that anybody reading this probably knows Ollie's background involving tropical islands, that's still the kind of detail I can see a newbie reader being confused by.
2) It really isn't that funny if Ollie truly is traumatized by tropical islands.
3) If I want to go into severe nit-pick mode, I could point out that there is a long tradition of Ollie spending his time on tropical islands with no adverse effects. He did all of his One Year Later training on one. He's even been shown, in one story by Scott Beatty, to frequently strand himself on islands on purpose so as to keep his hunting instincts up to par. I suppose a case could be made that Ollie just associates tropical islands with training and would find it hard to relax on one. But if you have to reach that far....

Finally, while a lot of the artwork is gorgeous, some of it is just awful. Case in point...

Since when does Ollie use Aquanet on his beard?

And did I mention there's cheesecake?

Now, I'll admit to being a bit unfamiliar with the operations of your average sexy underthings shop, but I've always been under the impression that they don't allow you to try things on, for obvious sanitary reasons.

That being said, I do like seeing a portrayal of Wonder Woman that allows her to be one of the girls. I just wonder where the heck Zinda and Helena (aka Lady Blackhawk and Huntress - Dinah's teammates and Sin's aunts from The Birds of Prey) are in all of this as Dinah's relatively more recent comrades from the Justice League are helping her shop.

In the end, this book is everything the comic promises. It is Dinah trying to balance her duties as a soon-to-be-bride with her job as a superhero, on her own, with varying degrees of success. Provided you don't take it too seriously and just go with the flow, it's not all that bad. It's not all that good either, but it's not the things of mass protests either.


Company Name: Dynamite Entertainment
Writer: John Layman
Artist: Noah Salonga

While I'm not quite so enamored of this series as the infamous Chris Sims, one cannot deny the sheer awesome power of this mini-series. And not just for the usual reasons involving Bruce Campbell cameos or the fact that we can always use another comic involving women kicking serious butt with little effort.

Heck, this series isn't even great for high metacomedy moments like the one where Gabrielle disguises herself as her own evil twin and then builds her credibility for NOT being a good guy in disguise. How? She points out just how common good/evil twins are and how two other people in the party of villains she is joining have good twins running around somewhere.

No, this series is great because it is a story in which Xena's sidekick - the Battling Bard Gabrielle - is able to talk Cthulhu (who is not so much in his house at R'lyeh dreaming as he is in a cave bitching about being overthrown by the stupid Titans) out of his slow war on humanity by virtue of the fact that everyone he really wants revenge on is already dead.

That's a +20 DC to Diplomacy Check moment, let me tell ya. (Ah, I love making gamer jokes in a comic magazine...)

Seriously, this is a good fun story. And the best part about it is that the ending opens the field up completely for an on-going Xena series. Which, with this writing and art team, would be a fine thing indeed.



  1. This week was a thin week. It's always depressing to leave empty-handed. ;)

  2. I know. I didn't have anything on my pull list save a reprint of the most recent Hellblazer that I got for free. Seems they forgot to put text on the penultimate page.

  3. As I'm planning a wedding right now, I could really feel for Dinah's frustration. I did find the cheesecake unnecessary, as if she's trying on anything in an upscale undies boutique, she'd have been in a nightie and robe or something similar. There's no way a place as upscale as that one looks to be would allow women to try on full sets that include underwear.
    I am so glad someone else saw the wrongness of Ollie's goatee. I'm just sitting there going, "My goodness, Ollie, you got pointy." I did find the island reference amusing, as I'm reading "Green Arrow: Year One" right now, but I can certainly see how very few people would get it.
    Overall, it's enjoyable, but I'd rather get back into the ass-kicking action than read another all-wedding issue.
    On a pull list note, do you read "The Boys" by Garth Ennis? It's sick and twisted and terribly violent, but also a whole hell of a lot of fun.

  4. I have to say that is a butt ugly dress. A friend and I where trying to figure out why it needed 2 belts and a butt bow. Anyway I loved the Chibi version of Black Canary and must have that on a t-shirt. I do agree with your C grade of the comic (and not because of the cheesecake, it was very mild) but more the writing and some of the artwork. Personally as a female, I would so hire someone to figure this stuff out for me. She has a full time job fighting crime, forget trying to mess around with hiring a band. Actually that would have been a more interesting story-line "Wedding Planner to the Heroes." The day in the life of a Wedding Planner trying to nail down things with Black Canary and her other "problem" clients. Trying to organize security, deal with sending invitations (how do you send a invitation to the Bat Cave?), strange requirements (no yellow food), etc. Would have been a hoot.

  5. I have to say that is a butt ugly dress. A friend and I where trying to figure out why it needed 2 belts and a butt bow.
    Butt bows are just cute. And I think that second belt (the bit with the roses) is more of a pseudo-corset sewn onto the dress.
    What? I took a class in costume design as part of my theater arts degree. :)
    I do agree with your C grade of the comic (and not because of the cheesecake, it was very mild) but more the writing and some of the artwork.
    Well, it wasn't just a C for the cheesecake (C is for cheesecake, that's good enough for me!) but for the overall package. And yes... it was very mild cheesecake but I didn't think it was a wholy neccesary scene... much as I do find Dinah in green to be teh hotness. :)
    Personally as a female, I would so hire someone to figure this stuff out for me. She has a full time job fighting crime, forget trying to mess around with hiring a band. Actually that would have been a more interesting story-line "Wedding Planner to the Heroes." The day in the life of a Wedding Planner trying to nail down things with Black Canary and her other "problem" clients. Trying to organize security, deal with sending invitations (how do you send a invitation to the Bat Cave?), strange requirements (no yellow food), etc. Would have been a hoot.
    I dunno if I can agree. That might make a funny one-shot but there's not enough superhero weddings to support a series, I'd think.
    And yes... YOU might hire someone to do it. But Dinah has always been a hands-on kind of person in most of her portayals and I have no trouble believing she'd want to try and balance everything rather than admit defeat.

  6. Thank you! I knew my suspicions on what lingere shops will allow were probably spot on but it's nice to have confirmation.
    Of course a friend of mine pointed out that with Oracle (hacker with botomless bank account), Black Canary (employee of hacker with bottomless bank account and girlfriend of millionaire playboy), Vixen (professional model) and Wonder Woman (probably has some Amazon princess trust fund somewhere) being there, they could easily afford to have bought anything they didn't want after trying it on.
    And no... I'm waiting for the first trade of "The Boys". I like Ennis's work, usually, but I like to have the first story to look at in one go. I'm impatient when it comes to his work.

  7. I suppose they could at that. I'm going to imagine being that rich. It'll amuse me. ::ponders::
    Ennis really is best read in one go. He likes to layer information upon information, and I usually end up re-reading the last couple of issues to make sure I'm up on what's going on before reading the newest. By the time I got #10 [the end of an arc], I'd nearly forgotten what the hell was going on. I do like that about him, though. He doesn't recap very much, and it makes me feel like he doesn't consider the people reading his stuff to be completely unable to remember what happened a month ago.

  8. I still say it's too busy, and the pseudo-corset is out of style (do you need a corset, and a belt with a bow/buckle combo and the butt bow?). As for the Wedding Planner, I meant as a one-of. I did like that green and black number though!

  9. Semi-related question
    This isn't directly related to this, but I figured you'd know anyway - about how old is Black Canary supposed to be? In the Meltzer JLA run there are a few scenes where it's clear that Canary is something of a 'mother figure' (or at least a 'big sister figure') to Roy, but they way they're drawn they both seem to be about the same age so it seems kind of weird. I know Ollie is supposed to be a few years older than her, but still....
    I guess that's just a weird thing in most comic books - every character seems to be the same age forever - except for the former sidekicks who seem to slowly age into their early 20's, and then get stuck in the same age.

  10. Takes all kinds. I spoke with someone recently who thinks the green and black number is way too trashy...

  11. Re: Semi-related question
    If you go by JLA: Year One, Ollie was in his early/mid 30s, Dinah was 19 and Roy was 13.
    I think post-Infinite Crisis this may have been amended a bit so Dinah is a bit older than she was (I personally imagine her as being just past 30 with the body of a woman 10 years younger) and Ollie perhaps just past 40.
    So yeah... Dinah is just old enough that she and Roy could date without it being scandalous. But given their relationship (she was dating his "dad" for a long time and the closest thing he had to a mom as a teenager, even ignoring the fact that she was the one who got him through rehab), that would never happen... unless Judd Winick decided an all incest-issue would improve his sales.
