BIRDS OF PREY #110: A decent filler issue with decent art. Always nice to see Helena get a chance to shine.
COUNTDOWN #32: Despite all the issues I have with Diana objecting to teenage drinking, the effects (or lack thereof) of alcohol on Kryptonian physiology and the fact that this issue contradicts every single thing we've seen regarding Black Canary's bachelorette party, I'm willing to forgive it because Tony Bedard remembered to include Dinah's close friends from Birds of Prey in the extensive party scenes. Also, every scene with Supergirl and Wonder Girl trying and failing to sneak drinks is adorable.
EX MACHINA #30: I just now managed to catch up on the back issues for this book. What was I thinking considering paying rent more important than this?
GREEN ARROW/BLACK CANARY WEDDING SPECIAL #1: Rest in peace, noble archer. He can't hurt you anymore where you are now.
GRADE: D and that's only because Amanda Conner does good work.
HELLBLAZER #236: Hellblazer hasn't been this good since... well, at least since Mike Carey left the book. But I think if anyone can equal him, it's Andy Diggle.
JUNGLE GIRL #0: Remember the days when 25 cents got you a comic with less advertisements than art pages? Neither do I, but I'm sure they had to have been better than this.
JUNGLE GIRL #1: I thought it was impossible to make a book even more vapid and offensive than Frank Cho's Shanna The She-Devil. I'm sad to say I was wrong.
SHEENA #3: The first, and even with two other jungle-girl books cluttering the shelves, still the best. Accept no substitutes!
SPIDER-MAN RED SONJA #2: Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the definitive Peter Parker quote.

TALES OF THE SINESTRO CORPS PARALLAX #1: Kyle Rayner's personality is dead-on in this issue but why is he buff like Conan in the last few pages? Observe and note that only the dialogue baloon has been changed in the scan below.

You know what the most shocking thing was this week? Bendis writing an Avengers issue that DIDN'T suck. Well the parts that were in the Sanctum anyway. Not the crap with the Hood and the end with the symbiote invasion. But I was a sucker for his dialogue stuff in Alias/Pulse and it was nice to see some of that again. I mean Spidey making fun of Wolverine being on 3 other teams was great...
ReplyDeleteYou're talking to the Man Who Reads No Marvel, remember?
ReplyDeleteWell. Except Daredevil. And Thor. And anything non-Avengers related by Dan Slott. But NEVER any Bendis!
My full reaction to the wedding special.
ReplyDeleteIn short, how the bloody effing hell could Dinah not know that something was up?! I mean, seriously, it's Black Canary. It's not as though she's some shmuck off the street who doesn't know how super villians work their crazy mojo on wedding days! But she almost has to get raped and knifed before she figures it out? Judd Winick can officially suck it.
Your missing out on WWH then. Which is awesome. Believe me, I hate Marvel for the most part. But WWH and Captain America are the exception to the rule.
ReplyDeleteAh, but I don't real like Hulk or Captain America.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention Dinah going crazy bimbo chasing after the ring...
ReplyDeleteOr the fact that Winick - again - makes the relationship out to be all about the sex.
Or that Dinah needs to be saved from Deathstroke. AGAIN!
Or that Deathstroke gets away. AGAIN!
Or that two guys like Deathstroke and Sivani, who have always had higher purposes for their villany than just screwing around with the heroes, should decide to attack the wedding... just to screw around with the heroes.
Or.. ya know what? There is no excuse. We can only hope that the trend of the last year of restarting with #1's continues and that come issue #7, there will be a new writing/art team. Andy Diggle and Amanda Conner, maybe?
I don't think I want to know.. I thought I knew.. but clearly ummm oh hell.
See why I didn't want to talk about it?
ReplyDeleteAnd the crazy thing is that the more I see people talk about this on-line, the more contradictory stupidity comes out.
Like Oracle, who was protesting the idea of the wedding, being surprised by the wedding invitation and getting all teary-eyed.
Or like any of the people who had a hand in the wedding-planning before invitations were sent out (Roy, Vixen, etc...) being surprised by the news of the wedding.
Or the super-villains captured at the wedding being turned over to the Suicide Squad which is a) a super-villain group and b) not something any of the heroes are supposed to know about right now.
This is shaping up to be the next Flash...
As characters or as books?
ReplyDeleteKyle was overmuscled the whole Parallax book.
ReplyDeleteAside from that, the artist managed a nice rendition. I just picture Kyle more slender.
However, since it took place entirely inside his mind we can forgive the artist and call it an overall excellent book.
Yes. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, it was a great issue apart from Kyle looking like Conan in some panels.
ReplyDeleteAnd it did occur to me that it could have been intentional given that the whole story is in Kyle's head and presumably he could be trying to literally beef himself up in the mental battle against Parallax. But it still looked weird and was inconsistent enough for me to wonder.
Maybe Kyle just imagines himself in his own head as being that huge.
ReplyDeleteI dug that issue. It was my pick of the week, and then the Dr. Fate relaunch. Hopefully the next one has a little more meat and less review.
I think I was so angry by the end of the book that I didn't even pick up on the Suicide Squad thing. My god ... bees.
ReplyDeleteI really don't know why anyone at DC has the word "editor" in their title.
Oh, it wasn't a bad issue at all. Kyle's physique just kept... shifting.
ReplyDeleteI think it's because "Promotions Manager" doesn't fit on a business card so easily.